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Working with a dog trainer for the first time, like any new endeavor can be an intimidating experience. If you're nervous about qualifications, not sure of what to expect, or have any other general questions, hopefully the information below can ease your tensions. If there is something I haven't mentioned, please do not hesitate to reach out.

  • Will I be able to visit my dog while they are staying with you for training?
    • Of course! I am more than happy to arrange up to two 30-minute visits per week. Anyone that tells you that visiting your dog is during the program is not allowed or will negatively affect your dog’s training is feeding you a self-serving line of dishonesty.
  • Do you offer regular boarding for my dog without training?
    Boarding without training is only available to 1 or 2 dogs per day that have already boarded and trained with me in the past.
  • My dog sleeps in my bed, is allowed up on the couch, and is never crated. Can they do the same while staying with you?
    • Your dog will not be sleeping in my bed but is allowed on the couch if that is something that you are going to allow at your home. Depending on your dog’s temperament and how long they have been here, your dog will either sleep inside 5x5 temperature-controlled suite in the kennel building or inside a crate in my home. Teaching your dog to be comfortable in a crate is great for your dog’s confidence, safety, and your peace of mind when leaving them at home or when staying at a hotel, rental property , or home of family/friends while traveling
  • What kind of training methods do you use?
    • I am highly experienced and skilled in the proper application of both “reward based” (positive reinforcement) and “aversive” ( pressure and release ) training methods and tools. All training methods have their pros and cons. Fundamentally, the real skill level and worth of any dog trainer is their ability to know how and when to incorporate the various different approaches to best serve the dog in front of them. • There is so much misinformation and flat out dishonesty surrounding the topic of dog training methods and specifically the outcomes they produce. In trying to make the best decision for you your dog, my advice is simple. Figure out exactly the changes in behavior you would like to see in your dog, think of any concerns you may have going in, and look for trainers with a proven track record of achieving those results with dogs similar to your own. Talk with several, former clients of the the trainer you are considering about their experiences and results. Ask them what was their dog like before , what are they like now, and equally important, how was the process getting there? • Once upon a time I was in the same position as you, looking to find the best training for my dog. I wasted a lot of time, energy, and money listening to what supposed “experts” had to say, instead of simply looking at what these people had actually done. Remember, the proof is in the pudding.
  • I know I can commit to following your guidance when my dog returns home but I'm worried my kids or spouse will not. Will they undo all of the positive results you get with my dog?
    • The good news is, while a lack of consistency amongst household members is not ideal, as long as YOU are consistent with holding the dog accountable for the behaviors important to you, the dog will be consistently mindful and respectful of those behaviors when YOU are present. Getting the dog to be respectful of OTHER family members’ personal space and THEIR commands, without you present, will depend on their ability to follow the basic training protocols I provide you with after your dog finishes their time with me. Naturally, some family members may simply be too young or simply not motivated enough to follow the prescribed training protocols. In light of the aforementioned, my advice to you is simple. You need to advocate for your younger child and not stress yourself out about others not getting on board with the program (remember the serenity prayer!) Lead by example and you will not only have a dog that is super responsive and respectful of you, but perhaps your other family members may see what they are missing out on and decide to follow suit.
  • What is a typical day like for a dog in the board and train program?
    • We typically wake up at about 7 am and everyone is let out for about 15 mins. Next, I bring them in for breakfast. After they have eaten, they are taken out to one of the two exercise yards for about 30 -45 minutes. Between about 8:30 am and 5 pm (dinner), your dogs will be rotating between the exercise yards, individual training sessions, and the brand new climate-controlled kennel. The kennel allows your dog to have free access between the temperature controlled 5x5 inside area with a raised cot and fresh water at all times or the outside, covered 5x10 runs on a special "stay cool” decking surface for the hot summer days. After dinner, at about 5:30, the dogs will be let out briefly before going back to the kennel or inside my home for some living room lounging until going outside one last time between 9:30 and 10. Dogs that are new arrivals or those requiring special attention will come into the house after dinner and sleep in crates in my home overnight. I will honestly do whatever I think is necessary to make sure all dogs are content and comfortable for the duration of their stay. Some dogs will require more special attention than others and I am more than happy to provide that. Lastly, your dogs and I will also be taking field trips to places like Willow Creek Park, Round Valley, Run-A-Mok, and Main St in Park City to make sure they are training in new and challenging environments. The other reason for these little excursions is just to have a little fun. Variety is the spice!
  • Will my dog listen to me if I send them to you for the board and train program?
    • 100% yes, but only if you attend the minimum recommended three follow-up sessions and follow my guidelines for maintenance to the letter. The good news is my guidelines for long term success mostly involve being mindful of not UNDOING the training and the recommended follow-up sessions are included in the program.
  • Is my dog going to have any playmates?
    • Because I only take in 3-4 board and train students per month, and only have 2 larger dogs of my own (both male and female) it is hard to say for sure there will be other dogs here your dog will enjoy playing with. Your dog’s age, size and temperament will all be factors when Im deciding which dogs may be compatible for play or just being together off-leash. The one playmate for your dog I can absolutely guarantee however is myself:) Some dogs are not at all interested in playing with other dogs and only want to be around their people. For these types of dogs, I’m always happy to fill in as a playmate/ buddy throughout the day. Keeping my numbers small allows me the time and flexibility to make special accommodations for the dogs who may need them.
  • How many dogs do you have staying with you for training at a time?
    • Each month I limit availability for the Board and Train program to only 4 dogs. I will not admit any dogs with a bite history or unprovoked serious aggression towards humans or dogs. I am, however, happy to work with these types of dogs in a private lesson format.
  • I am picking up my puppy at 8 weeks. When should we schedule our first training?
    • I recommend letting your puppy settle in at their new home for 3 days before having their first training session. It is important that we schedule your lesson at a time when your puppy is fully rested, hungry and rearing to go so that you and your pup receive the full benefit of the lesson. There are a few essential items I recommend purchasing as well as basic caretaking and housebreaking education that you can find here or under the Training Videos / Raising a puppy
  • Will sending my dog to board and train change my dogs personality?
    • Some of you may be worried that sending your dog away to “boot camp” will somehow break their spirit and make them less happy and playful. The good news is that none of those things will occur. One positive change you will definitely see is them being more responsive to your commands. With skillful training, their happy, playful and affectionate spirit can only be enhanced Click HERE to see what my clients of the past have to say about what they observed after their dog returned home from training.
  • Will visiting my dog and then leaving them again midway though their training confuse them or make them think Im abandoning them or affect their training in any way?
    • Unlike us humans, who have the capacity to think about an endless array of potential problems or dwell on decisions we made in the past that can’t be changed, dogs live much more simply and are perpetually “living in the moment”. Now to be clear, that doesn’t mean they can’t feel temporarily sad, or anxious when separated from their pack. However, so long as they are in a nurturing environment like the one I provide, they quickly settle into their new home with tons of room to run, play and explore. They do not forget you, however, and are always excited to see a familiar loving owner when you return to visit. I always encourage people to come for a visit, about 7-10 days after drop off. It’s a great opportunity to reassure yourself that your dog is doing great, well cared for and also a good time to see what we’ve been working on . Because you have new skills to learn as well, receiving a little bit of instruction during these shorter visits is a nice not having to learn too much at once.
  • What do you think of E-Collars and prong collars?
    • When used properly and with the guidance of an experienced and skilled professional , both e-collars and prong collars can be invaluable tools for countless different applications. Anyone can claim to be “experienced” and “skilled”, however, so remember the advice I offered in the previous FAQ “what kind of training methods do you use?”.
  • What do I need to bring for my dog(s) when I drop them off to you for training?
    • You need only bring their food, vaccination records, if not already sent by email/text, and a collar with identification tags. If they have a special blanket, bed, or toy that you feel they can’t do without then you may bring that along as well. Otherwise, I have all of the bedding, safe chew toys and treats they might need or enjoy.
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